Friday, July 18

Forget to post the funniest moment in Addy's life so far from over the weekend.
We are driving home from date night last week in the van and prepping her that it is time for "Night Night." She says, "Two minutes to play," as an attempt at a bargain. Dad thinks about that and knows that when those two minutes are up she will throw a tantrum, so I try to cut it off.
D: "Ok, Addy, you can have two minutes, but when the timer goes off, you have to go right upstairs and go to bed. Okay?"
A: "Yes"
D: "Ok, two minutes to play, then right upstairs."
A: "Ok"
D: "Ok, so when the timer goes off, what are you going to do?"
A: "Cry,"
She said it completely dry and expressionless, as if she was just stating the facts of life for me. Kristyn and I burst into laughter, to which she starting laughing as well and saying, "Ha Ha Ha, I am going to cry, Ha Ha Ha"

1 comment:

Runnerjess said...

That's the funniest thing I have ever heard. Go Addy! We love your intelligence and spunkiness :)