Monday, January 29

Somebody Has Been Sitting in Daddy's Chair

Addy has taken to wanting to sit in Dad's rocking chair, deciding she has gotten to big for her own rocking chair, which, of course, she is still too small to climb into anyway. She has her fourth bad runny nose of the season so far, which is making her sleep schedule a mess.

She did hit a new highlight of cuteness on Sunday. We were at Lunch with the Pastors and one of the other staff families were holding Addy across the room in front of 100 people. When it came time for me to introduce my family, I stood up with Kristyn and made some joke about how the other family, the Green's, could keep Addy for the night if they wanted. On cue, Addy whimpered from across the room, and then furrowed her eyes and stared me down! The place erupted in laughter! It was amazing! Then Sue Green took her out in the hallway during the program portion of the meal and Addy walked the entire length of the Chapel hallway on her own.

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