Saturday, February 4

Site back up, Jon has something to do!

11 PM
Kristyn is asleep, or trying to at least. Her body feels a little weird to her with the numb legs and all. Contractions are still 3 min apart, look great on the charts, and Addy is sleeping as well. I am the only one awake sitting here with the only sound in the room the monitor playing the heartbeat of our baby girl to come. It is so cool!

Working on small group questions for the Chapel sermon tomorrow and waiting for the drugs to keep loosening Kristyn up for the big push. So much for a 02/04/06 baby, looks like Addy will be a Super Bowl baby instead. I am so proud of her flair for the dramatic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi brother...I am glad to have your updates back...I have been hooked to this site all day. I hope you are feeling excited to be a daddy! How amazing to hear her heart beating. Love you!